adapted $PATH not available for GUI

RW rwmaillists at
Sun Mar 16 22:04:14 CET 2014

On Sun, 16 Mar 2014 21:25:36 +0100
houghi at wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 16, 2014 at 08:17:12PM +0000, RW wrote:
> > > So where does it get the info
> > > /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games comes
> > > from?
> > 
> > That's not relevant. Your problem is that your settings aren't
> > being used because there isn't a real login, so something else has
> > to source .profile or equivalent. The last time I used KDM, it had a
> > bit of script to find the user's shell and source the appropriate
> > files. Your lightweight manager probably doesn't do anything at all
> > about this, so you have to do it yourself. Either put it where you
> > have it or look at the documentation for lightdm for an alternative
> > place.
> Look at my other posting. It does not source anything. 

That's my point. The correct thing to do is source yourself. 

> One would
> expect it to source any of the files mentioned, but it doesn't.

I didn't expect that, that's why I said that the existing path is not
relevant, and "Your lightweight manager probably doesn't do anything at
all about this".

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