Xfce is very slow, part 2

Wes Gregg wes_catfish at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 29 12:33:30 CET 2014

You cam adjust swappiness (that might not be the correct term). When improperly configured, it'll use swap even when it doesn't need to.

And are you sure your hard drive is not spinning down / going to sleep?

Also, that's a single-core processor, isn't it? Might just be a slow system, depending on the workload. Although I was loaned a Pentium D laptop when mine failed, and it didn't strike me as being particularly slow (and it only had 768 megs of - shared - RAM). But it was running Mint XFCE, not Xubuntu, so that might be an apples to oranges comparison, especially if Xubuntu is a "heavier" OS (IDK if it is or not). I can say that I never noticed any ten-second delays.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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