Notifications config

Stephan Haller nomad at
Mon Jan 20 22:08:43 CET 2014

Hi Ron,

Am Freitag, den 17.01.2014, 13:35 -0300 schrieb Renaud OLGIATI:
> I find the notifications annoying, 'cause they remain too long on-screen (around 10 seconds).
> I have tried to change the duration with xfce4-notifyd-config, it remains the same.
> Bug ? 
Is xfce4-notifyd the only notification daemon you have installed? I
don't know if it is possible to install two notification daemons, e.g.
xfce4-notifyd and the gnome one which is just called notification-daemon
if I recall right. If both are installable and installed I could think
that two services are racing to handle the dbus message for

I don't know the distribution you are using so I don't know how that
check that. Maybe you can try to run the following command as normal
user in a terminal? It should only show one file matching the search

grep -rl "org.freedesktop.Notifications" /usr/share/dbus-1/services/


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