Xfburn Windows Size

Jimmy Sjölund jimmy at sjolund.se
Fri Jan 17 12:08:39 CET 2014

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 10:56 PM, Sébastien <ml at terranean.eu> wrote:

> Le 2014-01-16 à 17:57, Silvio Siefke a écrit:
> > > I'm wondering if this might be a "Desktop Theme Issue." I've always
> > > had recalcitrant behavior with Dark Themes after a while.
> >
> > I changed to theme Xfce and change icon set to GNOME but help not,
> > same situation.
> I managed to reproduce it and pinpoint the problem.
> Greg's suggestion made me think of changing my GTK font size to
> something very large such as 24 to see how Xfburn would behave. I had
> the same issue as yours - it didn't fit in my 1600x900 display. I tried
> to change the window size via settings.xml and it kept reverting back
> to a way too large window - just because of the large font.
> Same issue, except you're not using a large font. This then led me to
> believe the text on the Xfburn buttons are the cause of this behaviour.
> I ran Xfburn in German, Spanish, Italian... and saw the description of
> the buttons are on a single line, while it is on several lines in
> English and French.
> So the issue seems to reside in the translation files, they're lacking
> new lines for too long translations (or Xfburn could word wrap long
> translations - would be better, IMO). Long translations resize the
> buttons' sizes, and the space buttons takes resizes the window's size,
> which explains why xfburn prevents you to decrease the size.
> Try to switch the language to English, launch Xfburn, and see if it
> works better. On my settings (English, Clearlooks, Sans 10) I can
> resize it down to 869x365.
> As for the solution, a bug report might help (or/and redoing the
> translation file). And as a workaround, you could find a language you're
> comfortable with and that doesn't suffer from this "bug", and launch
> Xfburn with something like $ LANGUAGE=en xfburn
> Hope this helps,
> Sébastien
> Nice catch!!
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