Xfburn Windows Size

Silvio Siefke siefke_listen at web.de
Thu Jan 16 14:48:37 CET 2014


On Thu, 16 Jan 2014 09:00:31 +0100 Stephan Haller <nomad at froevel.de>

> I also use the latest stable version from gentoo portage. No overlay. 
> So, yes, it is really strange. I would first try to find the folder 
> xfburn in your home directory and sub-dirs, e.g. with the command
> "find ~ -type d -name xfburn" in a shell and check each path printed
> if it contains an up-to-date settings.xml. If this doesn't work I
> would use strace as next step to see which paths might be used.

Mmh then i really not understand. I has this often in Window that they to
big i often must work with ALT+S, but in xfburn it's hard with the window.
I has try with Debian, Arch and Suse all has normal Windows. Must i set 
something in the global config of Xfce that the window better in size?

No i has copy ur settings.xml and give only read right's but same 
result. I understand it really not. 

siefke ~ $  ls -l .config/xfburn/
insgesamt 4
-r--r--r-- 1 siefke siefke 756 15. Jan 22:03 settings.xml
siefke ~ $  date
Do 16. Jan 14:42:26 CET 2014

siefke ~ $  find ~ -type d -name xfburn

siefke ~ $  find ~ -type f -name settings.xml

siefke ~ $  cat .config/xfburn/settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

	<setting name="fifo-size" type="int" value="4096"/>
	<setting name="show-filebrowser" type="boolean" value="false"/>
	<setting name="human-readable-units" type="boolean" value="true"/>
	<setting name="main-window-height" type="int" value="600"/>
	<setting name="show-toolbar" type="boolean" value="false"/>
	<setting name="main-window-width" type="int" value="1024"/>
	<setting name="temporary-dir" type="string" value="/tmp"/>
	<setting name="vpaned-position" type="int" value="200"/>
	<setting name="show-hidden-files" type="boolean" value="false"/>
	<setting name="clean-temporary-dir" type="boolean" value="false"/>
	<setting name="hpaned-position" type="int" value="250"/>


Thank you for help & Nice Day

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