Xfce is very slow, part 2

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 18:34:03 CET 2014

2014/1/14 Hartmut Haase <hha4491 at web.de>:
> Hi,
> one thing I wanted to mention, too: I'm using 8 desktops with 4 programs
> running always: Terminal, Opera, Thunar, Thunderbird, and in the panel the
> weather-plugin.
The question that I'm very much interested in, and I'm not sure if you answered:
- Do you have the exact same slowness with another DE (say, Fluxbox or LXDE)?
- Do you have the exact same slowness on a "cold boot", after halting
and then restarting the computer (i.e. _before_ you run Opera, etc.)?
- Do you notice at any time a 'kworker' process spiking in top?


> --
> Viele Grüße,
> Hartmut
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> https://www.startpage.com/deu
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> Jeder schließt von sich auf andere und vergißt,
> daß es auch anständige Menschen gibt.
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