Xfce is very, very, very slow

Lars Behrens lars.behrens at kit.edu
Mon Jan 13 19:28:38 CET 2014

Am 13.01.2014 19:12, schrieb Liviu Andronic:

> Actually that may be far from sufficient, especially if the computer
> is 64-bit. In my experience after some browsing sessions, memory
> leaks, etc., the system starts swapping, and until you reboot not all
> the memory gets released (even if you close down most applications).

Absolutely cannot confirm that. Unless doing heavy GIMPing, 1GB is
absolutely sufficient for my everyday use (Thunderbird, Firefox, Music)

> Does your system use swap when it is slowing down? Is it still slow
> immediately after a reboot?

opening a terminal and typing 'free' should give a hint about the actual


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