Xfce is very, very, very slow

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 11:41:06 CET 2014

2014/1/13 Hartmut Haase <hha4491 at web.de>:
> Hi Enrico,
>> geany
> my preferred editors are kwiter and joe.
I assume that you talk about kwriter, which means that you use KDE
programs under Xfce. Well, I can think of that as a source of
slowness. If feasible for you, does it help with the speed if you
remove libkde from your system (and thus avoid all the KDE background

Oh, and come to think about it, does the following sound familiar:
or http://readlist.com/lists/lists.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-users/39/196105.html


> --
> Viele Grüße,
> Hartmut
> Hungerhilfe: http://www.thehungersite.com
> Ohne Zensur suchen:
> http://suche.amnesty-bergedorf.de
> Googeln ohne Google:
> https://www.startpage.com/deu
> Das heutige Motto:
> Denn für dieses Leben
> Ist der Mensch nicht schlau genug.
> Niemals merkt er eben
> Diesen Lug und Trug. (Bertolt Brecht)
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