Inconsistent Application Appearance (SOLVED)

Nigel Verity nigelverity at
Tue Oct 29 01:54:11 CET 2013

The rapid response from the community has resolved a problem which has been bugging me for at least 3 years.

On the advice of Killernoehre I installed gtk3-engines-xfce and selected one of the stock Xfce themes. The appearance of the wayward applications was immediately brought into line with the modern Xfce standards. The only remaining problem was that the horizontal spacing of the menus on some apps was incorrect so that they appeared as a continuous string (e.g FileEditViewTools). The selection of the GTK3-optimised theme "Clearlooks-Phenix" as recommended by Zlatko Calusic resolved that problem too.

At last I now have a 100% complete desktop.
Many thanks also for other suggestions, even though I did not eventually have need to try them.



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