Xfwm window borders do not respond to touch screen

Lampersperger Andreas lampersperger.andreas at heidenhain.de
Wed Oct 2 08:01:16 CEST 2013

Hi All,

I had the same problem. It relies on Xorg 1.14 or newer with an touch device running with the xf86-input-evdev 2.7 or newer. The Problem is, that when the Xorg-server translates touch events into ButtonPress / ButtonRelease events, the subwindow in the XEvent structure is set to zero. The following patch to xfwm4 works for me fine:

Index: xfwm4-4.10.1/src/events.c
--- xfwm4-4.10.1.orig/src/events.c
+++ xfwm4-4.10.1/src/events.c
@@ -920,6 +920,13 @@ handleButtonPress (DisplayInfo *display_
         state = ev->state & MODIFIER_MASK;
         win = ev->subwindow;
+        if (!win) {
+	    Window root_ret;
+	    int rx,ry,wx,wy;
+	    unsigned int mask_ret;
+	    XQueryPointer(display_info->dpy, ev->window,
+	        &root_ret, &win, &rx, &ry, &wx, &wy, &mask_ret);
+        }		
         screen_info = c->screen_info;
         if ((ev->button == Button1) && (state) && (state == screen_info->params->easy_click))

@Oliver: Maybe you can accept this patch?


Von: Xfce [mailto:xfce-bounces at xfce.org] Im Auftrag von Rene Dohmen
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. September 2013 00:09
An: Xfce general discussion list
Betreff: Re: Xfwm window borders do not respond to touch screen

Fnx for the quick reply. 

I used cairo dock for a dock. And just needed windows close functionality for a nice touch machine that is mostly used for browsing the web (some touch plugins in Chrome)
I switched to gala as window manager:
and that works really great with touch and mouse.

Kind Regards,


On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 7:50 AM, killermoehre <killermoehre at gmx.net> wrote:
Am 10.09.2013 01:29, schrieb Rene Dohmen:
> Paul,
> It feels like i've the same problem. Did you find a solution? I really
> like xfce4 and want to use it a touchscreen desktop.
> I have a Ubuntu 12.04.3 with latest 3.8 kernel. We have it on all the
> touch screens here. Quanta Optical touch and Penmount.
> You can't move a window with touch, maximise or close it.
> is XFCE useable/tested on touch devices? Feels like a lot of tweaking
> for things like single click to launch apps from desktop and to get the
> close button 250% size.
> I'm building a touch friendly theme now. But I wonder if I should
> continue? Without the ability to close a window from the touchscreen, I
> still need mouse or keyboard..
> Kind Regards
> Rene
Hi Paul,

Touch events should work, since they translate to simple clicks. If they
don't, you found a bug either in X or in Xfce.
More important is that Xfce features the classic desktop metaphore with
mouse and keyboard usage. For touch based devices are Unity, Gnome3 or
KDE SC much more suited, since they're developed for that.


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