Proposal: Faenza icon theme as a default

jEsuSdA 8) listas at
Tue May 21 12:37:32 CEST 2013


I'm a happy XFCE user since years and I use the Faenza Icon theme too.
I think the Faenza icons are beautifull and modern and I observe many 
Xfce and GNU/Linux users use them as a default theme.

I want propose you to use Faenza icon theme as a default Xfce theme.
The official theme is great too, but I think there are some things 
Faenza can brings to XFCE:

* It is modern
* It is so complete (there are many and many icons)
* It is dark and mixed themes ready
* There are many others Faenza based themes for some popular apps like 
Filezilla, SMPlayer, LibreOffice, etc. etc., who can brings a more 
integrated desktop user experience
* It is GPL, so, no problem with license
* It can brings more "hipe" to the next Xfce release. Surely a lot of 
blogs and people will talk about Xfce and his "new" look.
* It is not a dramatical change and it is not needed lot of work to 
bring Faenza to Xfce (is just a copy-paste).

What do you tink?

It is only a proposal, but I think it will be interesting to discuss. ;)

Pdta: a screenshot of my XFCE desktop with Faenza Icons ->

Salu2 de jEsuSdA 8)

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