Xfce and UEFI

Neil Winchurst neilwin at drofle.co.uk
Tue Jun 18 13:37:40 CEST 2013

My laptop died on me recently so I am looking to buy a new one. (It is 
not my main machine, but I still expect to use it a lot.) Since it will 
be new I suppose it will be set up to use UEFI as opposed to the old 
BIOS system which I am used to.

The machine will be running Xubuntu only, I have not gone near Windows 
for years. I have had a look at various help files via Google and am 
feeling rather baffled.

Does anyone on the list have any help/advice for me about this please? 
This could also be of interest to others on the list. One of the 
problems I have found while doing my research is that most of the 
writers assume that everyone who uses Linux wants to dual boot with Windows.



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