changing the active window title bar color

houghi houghi at
Mon Dec 9 21:10:45 CET 2013

On Mon, Dec 09, 2013 at 11:44:29AM -0800, Josh Stratton wrote:
> Most of the themes I've briefly looked through on xfce-look don't seem to have
> any contrasting color between highlighted menus besides a change in color.
>  Since this was the default style in xfce way back when this is some new style
> in the xfce community, where only fonts are usually changed between active
> windows.  

I even have the previous version themes:
penne:/usr/share/themes # ls
Adept      Cruxish      Gelly      Microcurve    R9X          Tgc         Xfce-b5
Adwaita    Curve        Gilouche   Microdeck     Raleigh      Tgc-large   Xfce-basic
Agua       Daloa        Gnububble  Microdeck2    Redmond      Therapy     Xfce-cadmium
Agualemon  Default      Gorilla    Microdeck3    RedmondXP    Today       Xfce-curve
Alternate  Default-4.0  Gtk        Microgui      Retro        Totem       Xfce-dawn
Atlanta    Default-4.2  Iceg       Mofit         Sassandra    Trench      Xfce-dusk
Atlanta2   Default-4.4  Kde        Moheli        Silverado    Triviality  Xfce-kde2
B5         Default-4.6  Kde1       Next          Slick        Tubular     Xfce-kolors
B6         Default-4.8  Kelabu     Ops           Slimline     Tyrex       Xfce-light
BBS        Defcon-IV    Keramik    Opta          Smallscreen  Variation   Xfce-orange
Basix      Eazel-blue   Kindaker   Oroborus      Smoke        Wallis      Xfce-redmondxp
Beastie    Elberg       Kleanux    Perl          Smoothwall   Waza        Xfce-saltlake
Biz        Emacs        Kokodi     Pills         Sonar        Wildbush    Xfce-smooth
Blackwall  Exocet       Koynacity  Piranha       Stoneage     Xfce        Xfce-stellar
Buzz       Fbx          LineArt    Platinum      Symphony     Xfce-4.0    Xfce-winter
Coldsteel  G2           Linea      Prune         Synthetic    Xfce-4.2    ZOMG-PONIES!
Coolclean  Galaxy       Meenee     Quiet-purple  TUX          Xfce-4.4    bluebubble
Crux       Gaudy        Metabox    Quinx         Tabs         Xfce-4.6

You are right that the majority of themes do not have a huge difference. Never
noticed it as most programs I have disabled the titlebar as I seldom use it and
it is a waste of space (for me). Everything in there is handled by keyboard
(and many things that are not). I also have programs on fixed places and
Workspaces, so I know what is what. But that is just me. I guess.

> I was just hoping it would be some quick fix instead of a whole bunch of trial
> and error.  For example, I downloaded your Clearlooks2 example theme and tossed
> it in the theme directory, but it doesn't show up in the themes list.  Now I'm
> sure I could go investigate that, but I'm just approaching diminishing returns
> for changing the title bar color.  I'm not a theme affecionado that likes
> having every color and border perfectly configured.  I just wanted to change
> pretty any theme to get some contrast between active and non-active windows.  

You need to unzxip it, not just download it, in ~/.themes.
Could be that you need to make that directory if it does not exist

houghi at penne : unzip
   creating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/
   creating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/xfwm4/
  inflating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/xfwm4/maximize-toggled-inactive.xpm  
  inflating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/xfwm4/top-left-active.png  
  inflating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/xfwm4/maximize-active.xpm  
  inflating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/xfwm4/menu-active.xpm  
  inflating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/xfwm4/title-5-inactive.xpm  
  inflating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/xfwm4/themerc  
  inflating: Clearlooks2-Squared-mat/xfwm4/bottom-inactive.xpm  
<snip rest of the files>

Now with me the Clearlooks2-Squared-mat theme is avilable when I restart the
Window Manger from the settings.

This is written under the inluence of the following:
>   Artist : Eric B & Rakim
>     Song : Extended Beat
>    Album : Paid in Full

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