Terminal: too wide individual tab buttons - how make narrow them?

Frantisek Hanzlik franta at hanzlici.cz
Thu Aug 15 11:33:48 CEST 2013

I'm all the time working on Xfce4 terminal with many (25+) individual
tabs open simultaneously. This looks with xfce4-terminal slightly poorly,
because width of each tab/button for individual sessions is too large -
- on my 1280x1024 monitor and maximized xfce4-terminal window I see only
11 tabs which is too little (and each tab width is IMO too big - simple
calculation give about 110 pixels).

Thus my question: is possible adjust (minimal) tab button width?

E.g. with MATE-terminal I have displayed 20 tabs together, which is much
Although have 30+ I would love even more - when e.g. there would not be
closing cross in each tab but only in active tab (as it is in e.g.
Firefox) or (optionaly) all tabs would be without closing cross, then
there should not be problem have 40 or more tabs sighted at once.
At least in my case, when I start terminal with command as

xfce4-terminal --tab -T title1 -e cmd1 --tab -T title2 -e cmd2 ... --tab
-T title33 -e cmd33

(specify title for each tab, these titles are short - usually 2-4
characters suffice to unique tab label - and then tab width can be very small)

Thanks in advance,
Franta Hanzlik

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