Xscreensaver and Xflock issue

zenwalker1985 zenwalker1985 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 28 17:24:18 CET 2012

Dear XFCE Team,

Let me first congratulate all of you for the impressive work done on 4.10.
I am loving it every thing so far. I got it for Zenwalk 7.2 version. Its
brilliant and amazing. Kudos to all of you.

Let me outline couple of issues i am facing in the xfce.

   1. After locking the screen (keyboard shortcut or log out button), my
   brightness, contrast settings are changed to default values. After
   unlocking, i have to again launch nvidia-settings app to reset as per my
   needs. This is quite annoying. Is this a known issue or a bug ?

   Is there a script which xflock executes when screen is unlocked? This is
   because, i can add *nvidia-settings -l* command into that. That way
   screen brightness contrast settings are put back as to my needs.

   Yes have enabled DPMS option. So xscreensaver doesnt disable this option
   before locking or after unlocking. Checked with xset -q command at both

   2. After hibernating and back on, the screen doesn't get locked. And i
   am having a strange feeling that xscreensaver isnt started at boot or back
   from suspend/hibernate, because when i launch xscreensaver app from the
   menus, it complains its not running on display 0,0. So which script should
   i change?

   3. The options like Close to tray, Start in tray in settings window,
   doesn't seem to be saved for the future sessions in Gmusicbrowser. In other
   words, after system restart/hibernate. Yes have checked the option save
   sessions for future logins option in restart/shutdown window.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,
Zen :)

My Blog: http://adventurouszen.wordpress.com/

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