no window borders

Ray Andrews rayandrews at
Fri Oct 19 23:33:50 CEST 2012

On 19/10/12 11:19 AM, Greg Folkert wrote:

> BTW, there's trouble with Xorg on more than one issue it seems.  My LMDE
> upgrade wouldn't play nice with fglrx so I had to install a new driver
> from AMD/ATI.  You'd think that things like the window border would get
> spotted in testing.
> So, Ray, when are you going to be a Tester?
> BTW, comments like that bring you no good will. Please try not to bite
> the hand that feeds. Its not a good idea.
I don't mean to be bitchy or ungrateful, but at the same time, one must 
issues before one can address them.  And I take your point--I'm a 
parasite right now,
but I plan on pulling my weight once I know how to pull it. If someone 
would help me get
up to speed I'd dive in this winter, when I will have some time, but 
it's a bit of a challenge
for a relative noob like me to figure out how to start making a 
contribution all by myself.
In the mean time, I just think out loud, and call em' as I see em'.

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