xfce text startup?

Landry Breuil landry.breuil at gmail.com
Tue May 15 23:20:34 CEST 2012

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 7:39 PM, Ray Andrews <rayandrews at eastlink.ca> wrote:
> On 15/05/12 08:41 AM, Landry Breuil wrote:
> Le 15 mai 2012 17:17, "Ray Andrews" <rayandrews at eastlink.ca> a écrit :
>> Is it possible to have xfce 'show it's work' as it starts up? I mean just
>> as linux itself shows what is going on as it boots up, can we make xfce
>> display its own workings up to the point where it's finished, and then
>> reverts to the graphic screen?  Or, is there a log of the whole procedure?
> Settings -> session and startup -> startup screen -> select an engine.
> Landry
> I have no 'startup screen', but do have 'splash', and I see that if I try
> other than 'Mice' there is indeed some indication of what is going on, but
> its not very detailed.  I take it then that there is no plain text log of
> the startup. It would be interesting to see something like that.

If you start xfce from a .xinitrc/.xsession file, you can set
XFSM_VERBOSE=1 in env before startxfce4, and also redirect output of
startxfce4 to a file. That's quite verbose, so useful only if you
intend to debug something. Xfce4-session writes to

so in .xsession, or whatever other way you start xfce :

env XFSM_VERBOSE=1 startxfce4 > .xfce-startup.log 2>&1


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