arrangement of desktop app launcers

killermoehre killermoehre at
Sun May 13 21:05:43 CEST 2012

Am 13.05.2012 16:57, schrieb houghi:
>> Should be possible as e.g. GIMP has the ability to move one to another
> screen with "View, Move to Screen."
> I do open programs with e.g. `DISPLAY=:0.0 firefox -P Left &`
> This brings me to the program that causes most of the problems when
> working this way: firefox.
> It needs several profiles. One for each monitor.
> As there are several profiles, it does not launch correctly from the
> startup. I need to select the profile
> I need to install workarounds to get the profiles the same.
> However an extra button (or pulldown in case of more then one monitor) to
> move stuff to would be a very nice to have thing. People tend to have
> multiple screens. One on their laptop and another on the desktop.
> houghi

You should try wmctrl and devilspie. Both can be used to alter the state
and behavior of windows, wmctrl at key press and devilspie at window


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