Whither stoneage?

Ray Andrews rayandrews at eastlink.ca
Tue May 8 17:01:56 CEST 2012

On 07/05/12 09:02 PM, Bob Snyder wrote:
> I recently built 4.10 from source and find that there are fewer window 
> manager themes available as 'built-in'. My favorite, stoneage, has 
> disappeared. I downloaded a package of themes which restored most of 
> the old themes, but not stoneage. I'm guessing this is because it was 
> still 'built-in' with 4.8.

I sure wish there was some way of building a theme from scratch, or 
modifying an existing one, so as to get exactly what one wants instead 
of having to just pick from a selection.  Who builds themes? Would they 
be so kind as to explain how it is done?

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