Running graphical programs as root

houghi houghi at
Mon May 7 23:08:12 CEST 2012

On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 03:11:51PM +0100, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> This does not often need to be done as root, just occasionally and I am
> very careful. I have never understood the use of sudoers so that is
> something I must address.

It is. sudoers makes things a lot easier. I run openSUSE and was tired of
typing in my root password each time I wanted to launch YaST. Also I
wanted to be able to run tail much easier and mount as user. So what I
added was the following line in sudoers:

houghi houghi  ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/mount, /bin/umount, /usr/bin/tail

I then maden an alias (Placed in ~/.alias, which is read by standard in
openSUSE. You might want to place it in .bashrc)
alias mount='sudo mount'

Instead of an alias, which only works in a terminal, you can just run
`sudo mount`  from the menu.

This is written under the inluence of the following:
>   Artist : Vaya Con Dios
>     Song : Philadelphia
>    Album : Vaya Con Dios

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