xfce git version install

gymka gymka at mail.ru
Mon Mar 26 09:02:05 CEST 2012

2012.03.25 17:35, gymka rašė:
> Hello, I can't install xfce git version. what i did:
> installed(in same order as listed here):
> xfce-dev-tools
> libxfce4util
> xfconf
> libxfce4ui
> garcon
> exo
> xfce4-panel
> thunar
> xfce4-settings
> xfce4-session
> xfdesktop
> xfwm4
> xfce-utils
> xfce4-appfinder
> xfce4-power-manager
> with line "git pull && ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make
> install".
> and after that:
> 1. i see "ugly theme"(like windows 98. screenshot:
> http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/8942/ekranvaizdis20120325170.png )
> not same like xfce 4.8.
> 2. xfce-panel each time acts like it is first run(ask either i want
> default panel config or blank setup. in either case it starts small
> blank window, not like 4.8: long panel with few items)
> 3. everything works wrong.
> what i did wrong? if i install xfce 4.8 everything works ok. everything
> compiles ok, so it's logical to think that all dependencies is ok.
> OS: archlinux x86_64
it was my fault, source files were corrupted:)

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