USB mass storage not automounting (thunar?)

mike cloaked mike.cloaked at
Thu Mar 8 11:38:31 CET 2012

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 9:53 PM, Chris Green <cl at> wrote:

> ... but nothing appears on screen and thunar doesn't pop up.

Just for the record I have had the same behaviour in Fedora f16 x86_64
for a while - some devices do pop up automatically but others do

I was told originally that I should not have any other "conflicting"
items such as the panel volume mount which I then took out but the
behaviour remains.... so a lot of the time I have to click the item in
thunar or right click the icon that pops onto the desktop and choose
to mount it. Would be nice if this was fixed.

mike c

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