Problems with Ubuntu 12.04 * Xfce 4.8

hl.xfce hl.xfce at
Tue Jun 12 13:21:08 CEST 2012

Am 12.06.2012 12:07, schrieb killermoehre:
> Am 12.06.2012 11:55, schrieb Liviu Andronic:
>> Indeed, but this is also a very disturbing experience. When it first
>> happened to me---a long time ago---I was in a meeting, and had*no*
>> idea what was wrong and how to fix it. All in all, disastrous. It
>> would be nice to fix this---avoid xfwm4 dying on its own---or have
>> Xfce detect when no WM is running and propose the user to fire-up
>> xfwm4.
>> Liviu
> Normally xfce4-session detects if xfwm4 dies and restart it ASAP. But
> sometimes this doesn't work. Due to the random nature, this is nearly
> undebuggable.

2 observations for someone willing to debug this:

If xfwm4 just never got startet in a session. (it seems, sometimes 
sessions do not get probably saved.)

Workaround: I wait patiently 60s at previous logout and create a file
/etc/xdg/autostart/xfwm4.desktop  (or .config/autostart/xfwm4.desktop)

[Desktop Entry]

xfwm4 first started, then crashed without restart. There seems to be 
something like a restart limit in session manager. (Once, I had a buggy 
xfdesktop crashing often. After 6 crashes it did not get restarted.)

Just try this by typing "killall xfdesktop"  multiple times. (type 
"xfdesktop" to restart id manually afterward.)


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