Getting rid of orage

Ray Andrews rayandrews at
Sat Jun 9 17:15:04 CEST 2012

On 09/06/12 03:33 AM, killermoehre wrote:
> can move orage from office to accesssories?
> There is no »tree« like a folder structure. The menu[0] consists of
> different files describing the structure. The spec[1] is from
> freedesktop and commonly shared between all the mayor desktop
> environments. If you want to change the category, you have to alter the
> .desktop file describing orage[2]. Probably you want to copy it to
> ~/.local/share/applications/ and alter it locally to make it update safe.
> Regards
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]

Does anyone know why it is that XML is used for config files?  As 
Killermoehre just pointed out, that's very standard now, so there must 
be a good reason and I'd sure like to know what it is, since, on the 
surface, it sure makes it hard to edit these files by hand.  I'd chafe a 
lot less if I could see the wisdom behind this.

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