Xfce 4.8 + Thunar 1.2.3: opening documents

Ray Andrews rayandrews at eastlink.ca
Thu Jun 7 19:45:14 CEST 2012

On 07/06/12 10:21 AM, hha4491 wrote:
> Hi Silvio,
>> copy the file /usr/share/applications/lyx.desktop (or similar) to
>> ~/.local/share/applications and alter it for your needs. The desktop
>> file could be in /usr/local/share/applications, too.
> after doing it Application-Menu->Office looks fine now with two 
> different entries for lyx and lyx-devel, same in Thunar, but there are 
> two extra starters which I can't delete.

Just exploring the above, I find that my 
~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list shows many lines that refer to 
files that don't exist in /usr/share/applications.  Is this a problem? eg:


... but there is no totem.desktop in /usr/share/applications.

Also, in /usr/share/applications, there are a zillion files like:


... what are these? They look killable to me.

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