bind application menu to right mouse button?

Ulli Horlacher framstag at
Sun Jul 29 14:25:51 CEST 2012

With xfce 4.8.6 (Ubuntu 12.04) can one bind the applications menu to the
right mouse button (when clicking in background, root window)?

So far, with right mouse button I get a menu with:

Open in new Window
Create Launcher

The last entry is the menu which I want to have on top, not as a submenu.
How is this poosible?

Ullrich Horlacher              Server- und Arbeitsplatzsysteme
Rechenzentrum                  E-Mail: horlacher at
Universitaet Stuttgart         Tel:    ++49-711-685-65868
Allmandring 30                 Fax:    ++49-711-682357
70550 Stuttgart (Germany)      WWW:
REF: <20120729122551.GA11879 at>

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