Orage questions

Juha kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi
Wed Jan 18 07:53:29 CET 2012

18.01.2012 05:11, Charlie Kravetz kirjoitti:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Tue, 17 Jan 2012 21:57:22 -0500
> David Rosenstrauch<darose at darose.net>  wrote:
>> On 01/17/2012 09:13 PM, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
>>> I use the orage clock in my panel. By right-clicking the clock and
>>> left-clicking properties, one can add three lines if desired. The codes
>>> are given in properties, and you add a line by completing the existing
>>> line, then clicking the arrow at the end of the line.
>> Perfect!  Thanks much!
>>> I have day of week and date on the top, time zone and time on the
>>> bottom lines. I also use the world clock, unfortunately, you can not
>>> add lines to it the same way.
>> I'm not looking to add lines to the world clock, but rather to change it
>> from 24-hour time format to 12-hour (i.e. from "18:56" to "6:56 pm").
>> Any hidden config option there?
>> Thanks,
>> DR
> Sorry, I don't know how to do that with the world clock. I seem to have
> mine set up for 24 hour time, maybe that was the only option.
Yes, 24 hours is the only option.
(There should be a law against 12 hour clocks...very difficult to 
understand those...:-) )


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