FOSDEM booking meeting on IRC tomorrow

Jannis Pohlmann jannis at
Sat Jan 7 17:20:50 CET 2012

Hi people,

FOSDEM is near and like in the past years, we are planning to book the
hotel as a group to (a) save some money, (b) make socializing easier
and (c) make it easier for everyone to actually find the FOSDEM venue.

I propose that we have an IRC meeting in #xfce-dev on
tomorrow at 17:00 CET. Please respond if 17:00 CET is not working for
you, then we could move the meeting to, let's say, 21:00 CET instead.

If any of you planning to attend don't have time tomorrow at all, please
let me know about your booking preferences (nights you will need a room
for, how many people you'd be ok sharing a room with, financial limit
etc.) in advance (private email should be fine). To make the whole
process easier, please add your information to

Also, if you have any experience with cheap hotels in Brussels and are
able to recommend one or two of them, feel free to add them to the list
on the above site.

  - Jannis

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