Orage and Google Calendar [was: ANNOUNCE: orage 4.8.3 released]

Juha Kautto kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi
Fri Jan 6 09:17:11 CET 2012

5.1.2012 17:54, John Coppens kirjoitti:
> On Thu, 05 Jan 2012 12:24:51 +0200
> Juha<kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi>  wrote:
>> So, to be honest I unfortunately do not expect sync from Orage
>> to Google calendar (or to any other calendar) to happen.
> Hallo Juha!
> Is there any particular reason why not? Maybe something Orage specific?
> I read in the manual that Orage is iCal compatible. With the new(ish)
> Google CalDAV interface (http://code.google.com/apis/calendar/caldav/)
> there seems to be some hope?
The only reason is lack of time. The syncronization is doable, but needs 
several days
of coding. It probably needs changes to Orage file handling and it would 
some kind of userid and password maintenance and then the actual 
work, which would include new compatibility tricks. Several days 
together, so I am
not saying it will not happen, but I did not want to give false hopes 
about the timing.


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