Orage and Google Calendar [was: ANNOUNCE: orage 4.8.3 released]

Juha kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi
Thu Jan 5 11:24:51 CET 2012

05.01.2012 11:11, Mișu Moldovan kirjoitti:
> On Thu, Jan 5, 2012 at 09:19, Juha Kautto<kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi>  wrote:
>> orage 4.8.3 is now available for download from
> Congratulations for a new release. I feel a bit guilty in regards to
> not finishing the Romanian translation, but I couldn't thoroughly fit
> Orage in my desktop setup because of lack of integration with Google
> Calendar. I only maintain translations for apps that I use, and I
> would love to use Orage, but the closest to Google Calendar
> integration that I've got was using this one-way sync hack:
> http://knowledgegeek.blogspot.com/2007/01/this-really-came-out-of-playing-with.html
> I have synced my phone and tablet calendars with Google with little
> trouble (in Symbian, iOS, WebOS and Android) but the only usable
> solutions for a Linux desktop user that I found were: Evolution,
> Thunderbird (with some extensions) and of course the Google Calendar
> web interface in a supported browser. I would love a clean Xfce or
> GTK-only solution to this calendaring problem and Orage seems to be
> pretty close.
> I'm also aware of this four year old discussion:
> http://old.nabble.com/Google-Calendar-on-Orage-td16152501.html . But
> I'm not sure how relevant it still is, so please share your thoughts
> on the problem of syncing Orage with Google Calendar, if I'm not
> asking for too much.
> Thanks a lot,
Yes, this would be very good and I actually need it for myself now,
but as far as I know it needs quite a lot of coding.

So, to be honest I unfortunately do not expect sync from Orage
to Google calendar (or to any other calendar) to happen.


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