Orage - how to 'clear' repeated event until the next one?

Juha Kautto kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi
Mon Jan 2 17:28:59 CET 2012

2.1.2012 17:46, Chris Green kirjoitti:
> On Mon, Jan 02, 2012 at 03:40:05PM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
>> I suppose I could set it up so that the Start date is several days
>> before the 19th and set the Due date to the 19th, then I can complete it
>> between the start date and the due date.  But it could get a bit
>> confusing if one set the Start date a *long* time before because then
>> the real requirement of the job being completed by 19th might get lost.
> ... and thinking further this doesn't work correctly in some cases, for
> example my VAT payments are due on 31st March, 30th June, 30th September
> and 31st December.   If I set up a TODO with a start date of, say, 21st
> of the month with a due date of 31st to give me 10 days where I can set
> 'completed' then for some months the due date, being after the end of
> the month, will be wrong.  This is an actual scenario that I need now,
> I'm sure there are other cases where the confusion could be even worse.
There is no perfect way of doing this with Orage as it starts counting 
on Start date
and you are actually interested about due date.
I would do it like you said and create TODO starting on 20th and giving 
10 days time
(duration 10 days). On March and December it would then look like 
delayed even though
there is still 1 day time (as due day is 30th).

Other way would be to create 4 separate TODOs, but that is hardly any 

Another ugly way would be to (mis)use EVENT and set each done date as an 
Exception, which
removes that EVENT from the calendar and can be used as "Completed" mark.

No perfect solutions, sorry.


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