ICE IO error?

Marton Balazs balmar3 at
Sun Dec 23 09:14:35 CET 2012


sorry if it's not an Xfce problem, I actually don't even have an idea
where to start. I'm running Xubuntu 12.04, and have a script that I
start from a terminal, which opens various things (Firefox, Skype,
Pidgin), does various rsync synchronizations, then opens alpine in a
separate terminal, and finally opens a file in Vim in yet another
separate terminal. Now this last thing works maybe 19 cases out of 20,
but at random times the terminal is opened with, instead of Vim, this
single line in it:

ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 2839, errno = 4

(pid of course changes from time to time). Trying to search for this pid
gives no running processes. The relevant piece of the script is

sleep 1

echo ""
gnome-terminal -e "bash -c 'vim ~/symlink/mindenfele/; exec bash'"

sleep 1
df -h

(Sorry guys, only using gnome-terminal because its "Set character
encoding" menu, which I couldn't find a replacement for in
xfce4-terminal.) The file is a symlink to a txt file, and I
have the Vim plugin vim-orgmode for it. Opening this file in Vim
directly has never given me any error.

Search for this bug gave me problems with Gvim and/or the package
gtk-qt-engine-kde4, but this is Vim, not Gvim and gtk-qt-engine-kde4 is
not installed.

The issue is present on two completely different machines (ASRock Intel®
Core™ i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz × 4 and Eeepc 901 Intel Atom).

Do you have any idea what this could be?


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