Language selection

Jaap Winius jwinius at
Wed Dec 12 02:03:08 CET 2012

Quoting Peggy Kutyla <peggy.kutyla at>:

> You could try Slim who have no language selector but who is lightweight
> and try to set language with pam. Look at

And then write a script that users can launch from the desktop to add  
a line like 'LANG="nl_NL.UTF-8"' ... or not, in which case the desktop  
environment language will remain English. Of course, any changes will  
require the user to log out and back in again, which is not as  
efficient, so for now I'll continue to use gdm, write that script if  
I'm forced to, and either way look forward to implementing an  
up-to-date greeter with a working language selector some time in the  



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