ANNOUNCE: ristretto 0.6.0 released

Stephan Arts stephan at
Sun Apr 29 01:20:53 CEST 2012

ristretto 0.6.0 is now available for download from

  SHA1 checksum: ea33bb25f52f393e582c80ab3b652808742594e8
   MD5 checksum: a61ef43cd325d985ecf71fcabf0c7940

What is ristretto?

Ristretto is an image-viewer for the xfce desktop environment.


Release notes for 0.6.0
Hi, I am pleased to announce Ristretto 0.6.0, the new stable version of
the xfce image-viewer.

This version comes with several changes since 0.3.0:

 - Online documentation on
 - The option to limit the maximum image-quality to the screen
dimensions (to improve memory-usage and performance) - this was the
default behaviour for 0.3, now ristretto renders at full quality with
this option disabled.
 - Only one toolbar, instead of two.
 - A quick-launch button on the toolbar to execute an editor
 - The option to pick a default-editor per mime-type
 - An optional clock that shows up when ristretto is fullscreen.
 - Ristretto now shows a 'Loading..' message in the statusbar, to
indicate when it is busy.
 - Progressive loading of directories, prevent lockup of the UI.

This version is designed to work with version 4.10 of Xfce.

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