Some doubts [Keyboard Layouts, Plugins...]

gymka gymka at
Tue Apr 10 06:52:24 CEST 2012

2012.04.10 00:47, Ernesto Acosta rašė:
> I installed Xfce on Debian Testing 4.10pre1 and everything works fine.
> Congratulations for the great job they are doing. I have already
> installed several plugins and applications: Terminal, Clipman..
> Now I come with my doubts:
> - Why do not I get the option to configure the keyboard layout? I need a
> plugin for it?
> - Of the goodies available, is there any way of knowing which of them
> are not compatible with Xfce 4.10pre1, or vice versa?

xfce4-keyboard-settings - lets you choose keyboard layout
if you need change keys position in that layout edit file
/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/language_code in my case

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