Different backgrounds for different desktops

Jarmo Hurri jarmo.hurri at syk.fi
Fri Oct 7 20:22:17 CEST 2011


One of the features of KDE3 that I _really_ miss in Xfce is the
possibility to have different backgrounds for different desktops. I
don't need any fancy images as backgrounds; instead, in KDE3 I always
used different background colors in different desktops. This way I could
very quickly always identify the desktop I was on.

Is there a way to do this in Xfce? If not, any hope of this feature in
the future?

(BTW, I am running Xfce 4.6.2, which is the default in Fedora 14, but
could not find anything on this in the new features list of Xfce 4.8.)


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