xfdesktop in a cron job

Tyler Durden tylerdu at bounced.me
Thu Nov 24 23:14:43 CET 2011

On 24.11.2011 23:11, houghi wrote:
> I am running openSUSE 12.1 and I am running a script in cron that I used
> to run in 11.4 as well without any problem. Also the cronjob is identical.
> However what used to work in 11.4 does not work in 12.1. My best guess
> would be here.
> The script can be found here http://houghi.org/script/background It
> basically changes the background to a one of my several thousand
> wallpapers in several hundred directries at random. When I run the script
> in a terminal I have no problems.
> However when I want to lauch it in a cron job, I get the folloing error:
> Failed to parse arguments: Cannot open display
> Crontab has the following line:
> * * * * *   /usr/local/bin/background
> The problem is cause by the following line:
> export DISPLAY=:0.0&&  xfdesktop --reload
> Even when I use the following I get the same error:
> * * * * *  export DISPLAY=:0.0&&  /usr/bin/xfdesktop --reload
> As far as I can tell I must use the export part to get it working.

The trouble I see is that env. var. DISPLAY is not actually propagated 
to the xfdesktop if you put it that way. Try it like this:

* * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xfdesktop --reload


* * * * * env DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/xfdesktop --reload


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