pop-up-menu 2

Schneidhuber, Bruno b.schneidhuber at pharmatechnik.de
Tue May 31 09:02:49 CEST 2011


here is a second try. Perhaps I should formulate my question more clearly.

I want to customize my pop-up-menu.

Pop-up-menu is for me the menu, that pops up when I make a right-click to the desktop.
I don't mean the main-menu, the menu which appears when I make a left-click to a button at the panel (usually at the left most side of the panel).

I want to customize the whole menu. Not only the applications-sub-menu. When I make a right-click to the desktop there should be e.g. only two items. The first could be "hello" and the second "logout". There should be no sub-menus and no other items.

What I did so far:

I copied a customized menu to the directory ~/.config/menus/xfce-applications.menu
I copied every desktop-file I found that begins with xfce to ~/.local/share/applications. In every desktop-file I made the entry "NoDisplay=true".

Everything seems to have an effect only to the main-menu or to the applications-sub-menu.

Could somebody tell me, how I could customize the pop-up-menu?
Or could somebody tell me exactly where to find the code-lines where the pop-up-menu ist defined in the sourcecode of xfdesktop?


Bruno Schneidhuber
Teamleiter Entwicklung Systemintegration

Geschäftsstelle Passau, Neuburger Straße 128, 94036 Passau

Tel.: +49 851 98865-0, Fax: +49 851 98865-198
b.schneidhuber at pharmatechnik.de,<mailto:b.schneidhuber at pharmatechnik.de> www.pharmatechnik.de<http://www.pharmatechnik.de>


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