Thunar won't re-read (refresh) sshfs mounted directories

Gilbert Sullivan whirly.gig at
Sat Jul 23 17:08:51 CEST 2011

When I use Thunar to read remote directories mounted via sshfs (all 
Debian systems at same update levels) and replace a file on a remote 
system, no kind of attempt at refreshing Thunar's depiction of the file 
will show the new file version on the remote directory. If I attempt to 
make the same file replacement to the remote location again, I still get 
Thunar's dialog indicating that the remote file is the same as it was 
when the Thunar session started.

But quitting Thunar and restarting it, and then looking at the remote 
directory again, will show the correct file properties (date and time).

There is currently an sshfs bug (at least one) concerning the use of 
fusermount -u in which the following message

/bin/umount: unrecognized option '--fake'
Usage: umount -h | -V
        umount -a [-d] [-f] [-r] [-n] [-v] [-t vfstypes] [-O opts]
        umount [-d] [-f] [-r] [-n] [-v] special | node...

is issued.

I have also seen various bugs lodged against sshfs that concern 
interruption or freezing of various processes when mount points are 
touched, but I haven't seen any such behaviors on my systems -- other 
than this one odd behavior of Thunar.

The workaround is obviously very easy to employ, but I am a little 
concerned about the behavior. I wanted to discuss this here to see if 
anyone would have troubleshooting suggestions I might try. I didn't want 
to proceed directly to a bug report -- mostly because I'm not even sure 
which package(s) to file a bug against.

System Information:

fully updated Debian testing using Xfce 4.8.0

SSHFS version 2.2
FUSE library version: 2.8.5
fusermount version: 2.8.5
using FUSE kernel interface version 7.12

Thunar 1.2.2 (Xfce 4.8.0)


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