How to add a program to the applications menu?

Fernando Antunes fs.antunes at
Mon Jul 11 18:30:23 CEST 2011

On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Chris G <cl at> wrote:

> I have just installed the (UK) Inland Revenue "Basic PAYE Tools" on my
> xubuntu 10.10 system, it works well and much faster than the Windows
> version did in VirtualBox.
> However it has sullied my desktop by sticking an icon there and anyway
> it's often hidden because I don't believe the desktop is the place for
> starting programs from.
> It hasn't installed itself in any of the menus, is there any reasonably
> straightforward way of making custom additions to the program menus?  Or
> is the only way to install something somewhere down in /etc/xdg/menus?
In Gentoo, XFCE menu entries are placed in the  /usr/share/applications/
directory. Whan I need to create one manually, I just copy one of those
files, change it to reflect the new program and appearance on the menu and
rename it. It is instantaneous reflected on the menu after you open it.

Sorry, but I do not know how xubuntu does ? But I think that is similar.

> --
> Chris Green
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