xfce4-notes woes

Duke Normandin dukeofperl at ml1.net
Fri Feb 4 16:28:10 CET 2011

On Fri, 4 Feb 2011, Charlie Kravetz wrote:


> I tried to reproduce this in Xubuntu natty using Xfce 4.8, but can not.
> When I click notes, it shows in the notification area. If I add it to
> the panel, it shows on the panel, but not in the notification area.

Thanks for confirming that all is well with Notes, Xubuntu, XFCE, etc.
All of a sudden, the Notes icon appeared in the Panel on reboot this
morning. The strange thing is, is that Notes is alive as a "plugin",
but not shown in the "Notification Area". I'm not worried though -
it's alive again. :)

Thanks everybody for all your trouble.

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