Mount ntfs partition and thunar pane.

Matias De lellis mati86_dl at
Tue Apr 19 17:13:20 CEST 2011

Thanks for answering. :)

No.. This all installed. Now try again and not working.
I happened on fedora 14, with a fresh installation of fedora15 beta, and 
persists with all updates.

My fstab is thus.
UUID=06E87848E878384F    /media/Windows    ntfs-3g    
defaults,nosuid,nodev,locale=es_AR.UTF-8    0    0
Is correct?

 Ehmm.. will be that now I no have permission to u/mount the 
partition?. how change it?


De: Zenwalker <shailesh.zenwalk at>
Para: XFCE general discussion list <xfce at>
Enviado: martes, 19 de abril, 2011 10:56:51
Asunto: Re: Mount ntfs partition and thunar pane.

On zenwalk 7 here, i have 2 NTFS drives and few ext4 and 2 Reiserfs. All do get 
mounted via fstab and does show in thunar. Did you remove any packages like GIO, 

GVFS, etc? May be thats causing the problem. But im just wondering.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Matias De lellis <mati86_dl at> 

I have an ntfs partition of windows.. I want to mount automatically  at startup,
>but if I do it from fstab, or ntfs-config fails to show the  partition in 
>I have the music in  that partition, and it's annoying mount it every time that
>started  session to listen music. Also want to see the partition in thunar  as
>GtkFileChooser, nautilus and pcmanfm. Thunar is the only one that not  show it.
>Any way to do this?
>p.s. The same applies to a partition ext4 of other linux installation.
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