starting e.g. evince from the command line on a different workspace?

Mike Massonnet mmassonnet at
Thu Oct 21 18:21:31 CEST 2010

Hi Jönne,

2010/10/21 Jönne Speck <jspeck at>:
> Dear all,
> Is there a way to do the following:
> On workspace 1 in my command line, I start evince (or some other GUI-application) but let its window open on a different workspace, say 2? Is that done by some --geometry value?
> Is this a question to be asked at the *XFCE* mailinglist in the first place, or rather at xorg? Thanks anyway!

That's actually a general question. You can try devilspie[1], it will
do the operation perfectly.


If you want to apply this behavior only for some instance of evince,
you can use the --class parameter (e.g. evince
--class=EvinceWorkspace2) and set a rule for devilspie to match the
window_class EvinceWorkspace2. Have a little fun with devilspie to
discover its possibilities :)

But here is a small devilspie snippet, you can call Evince.ds:

 (is (window_class) "EvinceWorkspace2")
 (set_workspace 2)

> Best
> Jönne


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