History (Was: Xfce Foundation status)

Christian Dywan christian at twotoasts.de
Sat Oct 16 16:34:47 CEST 2010

Am Sat, 16 Oct 2010 13:56:47 +0100
schrieb Chris G <cl at isbd.net>:

> On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 01:15:58PM +0200, Liviu Andronic wrote:
> > On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Chris G <cl at isbd.net> wrote:
> > >>                The former is now elegantly performed via DnD
> > >> from the App finder, while the latter has been very nicely
> > >> implemented. This but also various other improvements to
> > >> robustness, feel and software choice mean that I can now boldly
> > >> install Linux with Xfce on my mother's computers in her office
> > >> and on my gilfriend's laptop and have them peacefully use it.
> > >>
> > > While I agree that for some (many, most) people the current
> > > default setup is probably right it's a pity that the 'automatic
> > > configuration' cannot be turned off somehow enabling one to do
> > > things as before.
> > >
> > I am not sure I follow. Icons can be turned off in Settings >
> > Desktop
> > > Icons.
> It's not quite that easy because of the 'Desktop' and other
> configuration in .config/user-dirs.dirs, while one can turn off the
> icons there's still a lot expecting a 'Desktop' directory of some sort
> and which will plonk icons on it whether you like it or not.

If you mean "plonkers" like Firefox, which create a "Desktop"
folder in your home, this is annoying but not harmful. And it was that
way before Xfce even displayed the icons.

I recommend modifying user-dirs.dirs to say


and at least behaving programmes will use your home only.


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