Xfce Foundation status

Jon proedie at arcor.de
Wed Oct 13 23:00:01 CEST 2010


I have not contributed to this list very much before. Usually because any 
question I know the answer to is answerd before I come to read it. ;) Anyway, 
I dare to put in my twopenn'orth:

>   * Do you think all this makes sense?

>   * Does a German e.V. (which is a non-profit organization registered
>     in Germany) sound like a reasonable type of organization for Xfce?

As Xfce is not, unlike KDE, a "German invention" (I think) it may look a bit 
odd, but beside that it's fine, I think.

>   * Would you prefer "Xfce e.V." or "Xfce Foundation e.V." to be the
>     name of the organization?

Xfce e. V. A foundation, (German stiftung) is not an e. V.! A stiftung is a 
proper legal form in Germany and having both in the name always looks wrong 
IMHO. (I know, a lot of foundations in Germany ignore this fact, but I still 
do not like it -- I am just saying it, I would join Xfce Foundation e. V. as 
well. On the other hand, I probably would join "Xfce Industries Enterprises 
Foundation Inc. e. V. as well as long as the name is the only ridiculous thing 
about it.)
>   * For how many years do you think the board should be elected?
>     3, 2 or 1?

Two seems good.
>   * There is one clause about where the raised money should go in case
>     the e.V. is abandoned. The KDE people have decided to forward all
>     their money to UNESCO. I have come up with a few alternatives.
>     Which of the following organizations would you prefer the money to
>     be handed over to in case the e.V. is closed?

In that case LXDE seems appropriate, don't you think? ;)
>       UNESCO, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, WWF or OLPC?

Out of these: OLPC.
>     You can of course make your own suggestions if you want to.

As a more serious suggestion: FSF.

If I may add one more thing: I am sure this will turn out to be an awful lot 
of work. So, thank you very, very much for doing this!

Best wishes


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