How do I get application menu on desktop right-click?

Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards at
Fri Oct 1 08:24:40 CEST 2010

On 2010-10-01, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwards at> wrote:
> I just did a new Gentoo XFCE 4.6 install on a machine, and I can't
> figure out how to get the application menu to appear when I right
> click on the desktop (which seemed to be the default behavior on all
> my other XFCE installs).  Instead of the application menu I get some
> other menu with "Open in new window" and the top and "Applications >"
> at the bottom.
> Under the "Menus" tab in desktop settings there's a box labelled
> "Show application menu on desktop right click", but checking or
> unchecking that box makes no difference.
> How do I enable applicatoin menu for desktop right click?

I found one posting in the forum that says:

  "To get rid of the top menu, go to Desktop and disable desktop icons"

Can anybody loan me a clue what _that_ means?

Does "go to Desktop" refer to the desktop setting dialog?  I already
have all of the icons disabled in the desktop settings dialog, so that
apparently isn't what "go to Desktop" means.

I don't have any use for the new top-level menu, so I'd really like to
get rid of it -- it _really_ slows things down...


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