Hide certain windows from "Cycle Windows"

houghi houghi at houghi.org
Wed May 12 17:25:03 CEST 2010

I have programs that are running that I want to exclude from cycling
trough the open programs? I am aware that I could hide them and exlude
them if hidden, but I need to see them and be able to use them.

I am running 4.6.1

Not of very high importance, so if the solution would be to upgrade, I
will just wait till my distro has it.

I would also like to have (more information on) more individual settinngs
of windows as is possible in e.g. WindowMaker.

This is written under the inluence of the following:
>   Artist : Laïs
>     Song : De wereld vergaat
>    Album : Laïs

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