Background doesn't show jpg's

John Coppens john at
Mon Mar 29 00:39:07 CEST 2010

On Sun, 28 Mar 2010 21:23:37 +0100
Graeme Wolfendale <gwolfendale at> wrote:

> let me know...

There is something else going on.

I thought maybe the wallpapers had to be in
the /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops directory so I copied one of the jpegs
there. No difference. 

Then, I noticed that the '-' button doesn't activate, so I can't remove
images from the list ('Image' is in single image mode, but I guess it
should still be possible to remove images?) 

Now I have two images called 45.jpg in the list, no way to remove them,
and no way to know which one is which, as I can't see the path.

Final test. I used ImageMagick to convert the 45.jpg to 45.png, in the 
same directory, and that one opens ok - so it's really a pure jpg issue.

TIA for hints,

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