ANNOUNCE: xfce4-taskmanager 1.0.0 released

Pascal Gervais pggervais at
Mon Jun 14 19:30:32 CEST 2010

Le Mon, 14 Jun 2010 15:04:50 +0000 (UTC),
Mike Massonnet <mike.massonnet at> a écrit :

> xfce4-taskmanager 1.0.0 is now available for download from

Hi and thanks for this new and improved taskmanager.

It would be nice to have a way to know the amount of memory used in MiB
and the total amount of memory available on the system like the tooltip
in the progressbar of the old xfce4-taskmanager.

For now, I see everywhere that seven percent of my memory is used, but
seven percent of what? 768 MiB? 1536 MiB? And this is not very
practical to have to open a calculator every time I want to know what
means seven, eight, twelve or twenty-four percent of XXX memory.


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