ANNOUNCE: parole 0.2.0 released

Steve Dodier sidnioulz at
Sun Jan 10 11:58:10 CET 2010

2010/1/5 hasen j <hasan.aljudy at>

> When I configure with browser-plugin disabled, make fails:
> make[3]: Entering directory `(....)/parole/parole'
> make[3]: *** No rule to make target `parole-marshal.c', needed by
> `libparole_la-parole-marshal.lo'.  Stop.


The problem is that somehow configure forgets to add the parole-marshal.c
file generation to the Makefile (only in some projects with some distros and
some versions of autotools, as far as I know - this may be caused because of
some slight differences in the file of parole compared to other
projects, but I've been too lazy to investigate that).

Anyway, it should build fine after ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode.

Steve Dodier
Student at École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs de Bourges
Free Software Developer
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